[BOOK JOURNAL] The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

Series: N/A
 Gabrielle Zevin
 adult, contemporary, romance
 December 2, 2014 (first published April 1, 2014)
 Algonquin Books

"Funny, tender, and moving, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry reminds us all exactly why we read and why we love." - Library Journal, starred review
A.J. Fikry's life is not at all what he expected it to be. He lives alone, his bookstore is experiencing the worst sales in its history, and how his prized possession, a rare collection of Poe poems, has been stolen. But when a mysterious package appears at the bookstore, its unexpected arrival gives Fikry the chance to make his life over - and see everything anew.
"This novel has humor, romance, a touch of suspense, but most of all love -  love for books and bookish people and, really, all of humanity in its imperfect glory." - Eowyn Ivey, author of The Snow Child

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I'm not sure if this is a review or what but here're my thoughts as I read through this wonderful book. All of these came from the book journal I'm trying to start :) I still have A LOT of things to improve which I'll be incorporating on my next one (don't know which book yet). But here's my first book journal post. It's not as lengthy as a review and these are mainly my thoughts as I read through except for the 'aftermath' of course :)

I don't read general fiction. When I pick up an adult novel, it has to be mystery or crime fiction else it's a no-go. But when I came across The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry month ago, I knew I should read it.

The thing is that it's such a delight to read about a book that talks about books. It makes me feel ecstatic when I come across a book or an author that I vaguely know such as The Infinite Jest (p18) and Jeffery Deaver (p22) whom I've been meaning to try.

It's also wonderful to go around the life of a book reader and his thoughts on life and books. I especially enjoyed the scene where AJ talks to Officer Lambiase about how the current situation resembles a novel.

once a person gives a shit about something, he finds he has to start giving a shit about everything. -p76

OHMYGOD, Maya is such a lovely gift. I love the sound of her; how much she has already changed AJ. AJ is such a funny, impolite, inconsiderate man. How he basically keeps everyone away give the story a really engaging side (except from all those reader relatetables :P). Anyway, let me talk about Maya again... She is such a sweet kid. I love her! I love her curiosity - her questions. Why am I nothing like her?

This book heavily reminded me of Bunny Drop. It gives off that same feeling - that daughter x father relationship and how AJ takes care and wants the best and right things for Maya. Maya x AJ && Rin x Daikichi :)

This is also a book that keeps me reading not because it's intriguing, thrilling, suspenseful, or swoon worthy. It keeps me reading because it's lighthearted, wonderful, sweet, and it generally makes me smile.

OHMY, AJ! I knew there will be drama - I expected it. But why does it have to be so painful? WHY!? Now I feel so down. And seeing how cliched AJ is handling is, I don't even understand why it's still hurting me.

THE BOOKSELLER. AJ's words... my tears... They can't seem to stop falling. I can't breathe... So difficult to breathe... crying so hard now...

THE AFTERMATH. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is such a lovely story with characters I became strongly attached to. I love the flow of the story. Even though it covers a huge amount of time, othing felt rushed. Every moment really allows you to feel everything that's going on.

I love how I was able to relate to many of the bookish things. It's such a perfect novel for book readers! I love Maya and how sweet she is, how she grew up, and how well she changed Fikry. I love Amy and how much she love AJ. And lastly, I love AJ and how he was smoothly developed.

"Maya, we are what we love. We are that we love." -p251

The ending was truly heartbreaking. I cried so hard. I had to stop reading for awhile before going through the novel's final moments. I'd say that this is such a wonderful story that I will surely not forget in a long time.

more book journal photos on my tumblr account!

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