Nisekoi - Chapter 29: Confirmation

I guess the promised girl can't be revealed that easily and this early in the story. Although everything sure is running pretty smooth and exciting at the same time. The thrill of knowing who the promised girl is just gets even more intriguing.

I got really excited when Raku and Chitoge agreed upon opening Raku's locket using Chitoge's key. I guess I was really expecting things to work out really quick BUT who would have thought that they still won't get the chance to fully confirm it. That chapter title is so… raising my hopes up for nothing. x_x ANYWAY, given how much I was disappointed I was with what happened, Chitoge's strength sure is the real deal. I literally laugh when the key broke and Raku sulking over with how Onodera won't be able to try her key. HAHA. Now that's how things should be. The story will definitely go for another exciting cycle with Raku, Onodera and Chitoge getting a little more awkward moment around each other with the knowledge of the promised girl. This manga just gets so exciting :3 Sure do hope this'll last for 2yrs or 3yr or more :3 and get an anime.

Also, I know that during the last couple of chapters, I've been speculating of seeing another guy (or a bishounen perhaps) to enter the scene and take one of the 2 girls as his promised girl BUT I guess things just got clearer with Chitoge's father's appearance. He confirmed us that Raku, Chitoge and Onodera played with each other when they were kids 10yrs ago. What's going on in my mind right now is that why is it the neither of them have mentioned anything about another girl? Why didn't Chitoge's diary didn't mentioned anything about another girl? :| oh well… 
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