DECEMBER BOOK HAUL (aka the Christmas Books!!)

Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger | On Such a Full Sea by Chang-rae Lee | Dumplin' by Julie Murphy


Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!

I am so glad at myself for not buying any books and not downloading anything from Netgalley this month. These three are gifts from my friend, my sister, and my mom. I got so excited when I got Dumplin' because it's one of the books I've been hoping to get!

The other two, On Such a Full Sea and  Nine Stories are a bit off from my comfort zone but I'm really more than willing to give them a try. I realized that my friend got me Nine Stories because she saw me reading The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry and J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish was mentioned there for a while.

As I have mentioned in my last Roundup post, I got sick. I had to catch up with some school works and I even ended up being stuck up with some projects and a school paper before Christmas break. I decided that I will not be posting any reviews and all books that I will read as the year ends will be posted early January. Everything will be scheduled. I personally like the thought of it so that I'll be ahead of blogging schedule and start the year well :)

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Recent Read.
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. So much development. So much excitement! Even though my ship just sunk, I'm still so excited to read what happens next!
Current Read.
The Earth is Singing by Vanessa Curtis. It's not as grabbing as Between Shades of Gray but I really feel sorry for the things the Jews are forced to face because of the invasion of the Nazis.
The Standout by Laurel Osterkamp. I'm a bit annoyed on the whole 'cheating' issue but where I am right now is kind of intriguing.
Inherit the Stars by Tessa Elwood. uhhh... I'm not really motivated to read this. Might set it aside but I'll try again.
Next Read.
Zodiac by Romina Russel. It's on my TBR list before 2016. It's sci-fi and the sequel is already out :)
On Thin Icing by Ella Alexander. Book Tour on early January!! :D

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