[WEEKEND READS] Busy as Hell!


When I don't post anything new, you know I'm busy. Why I don't have scheduled post is stupid of me. I'm generally lazy and most of the times I don't want to hassle myself in posting when I don't really feel like doing so. I have draft reviews and notes on the books I read so I don't really mind having them a bit late (so this is me making an excuse, hahaha).

I so glad to finally have the next few days off from several school works (except for writing a bit of my thesis' chapter 1) because of University Week. I'm really excited to get around reading a few books just because I won't have to work on some school stuff.
Eleanor & Park | Rainbow Rowell
Finished it a couple of days ago and I really LOVE the ending. It's one of those endings that makes you a tad bit sad yet at the same time makes you smile at those last few lines of the novel. I LOVE the development of Eleanor and Park's relationship - I like how they started off awkwardly then ended up helplessly in love with each other. It really gives off that coming-of-age feel especially on the romance aspect of the story.
Revealed (Rumors #2) | A.C. Arthur
I have such mixed emotions for this one. The revelation caught me off guard and I don't exactly know what to feel about it. It certainly was unexpected but seriously? Such reasons? Such twist? I should have expected it but I guess I always rule that possibility out whenever I read mystery novels. Review will be up soon.

UnSouled (Unwind #3) | Neal Shusterman
Just started it and I'm only a few pages up. I browsed the pages once I opened it and it seems that there are parts dedicated to Jason and Sonia Rheinschild. I bet it's for making the story more clear and perhaps to give a more reliable events on when unwinding started.
SAGA, vol 1 (Saga: Collected Editions #1) | Brian K. Vaughan (writer); Fiona Staples (artist)
Technically I'm just about to read it. I see this around a few times and it really piqued my interest. I know it may not exactly be my type of read but who knows? When a friend showed it to me and asked if I wanted to borrow and give it a try, I was like: why not?

Air Awakens (Air Awakens #1) | Elise Kova
You know I'm a sucker for popular books. I see this a lot in the book blogosphere so I got really curious. High fantasy and magic aren't my usual read but after Throne of Glass, I'm really more than willing to try out the genre :) Hope this works out for me!
Nine Stories | J.D. Salinger
I don't know about this but maybe I just want to get this off my TBR shelf or I feel a bit obliged because a friend gave this to me.. and she's a wide and intellectual reader. This isn't exactly my type of read but I was like: sure, I guess. I really just hope I'd like it. Can anyone tell me what to expect from this one?

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How about you guys, what books have you recently finished? What are you reading right now? How is it, are you enjoying it? What do you plan to read next?

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