Double posting on Sankarea for the 2nd time and it's because I've
been out of the internet for too long and I've been very busy since I'm back to
school x.x AND I haven't even watched episode 10 :P
ANYWAY, enough with
excuses because this 2 episodes of Sankarea
had me all woken up from my boredom. Yes, I was waiting for Rea's father's
reappearance and here he is with that little scheme and I was really glad to
see some character development on Mero :3 That really silent and cute sister of
Chihiro. XD
Episode 8: Fake… Freedom..
This episode was
just… fun. Rea was able to somehow enjoy her knowledge of 'normal' life. Going
to the mall with Chihiro and wasting all his money. HAHA. Well, she had that
really pretty dress. I won't go talking about a lot of things on this episode
since there aren't much into it. ANYWAY the real highlight of this episode is
the reappearance of Rea's father who's doing everything to get his precious
daughter back. Also, who wouldn't be glad to see Chihiro's friend, Yasuda,
being annoying and stuff? I really enjoyed the part where the men Rea's father
hired tried their best to capture Rea AND thanks to Rea's surprising strength,
they weren't able to do anything to her BUT capturing Chihiro to take her place
wasn't really a huge surprise either. Now it's a really interesting idea how
the princess will be the one to save the prince. HAHA.
Episode 9: Mother's… Hand…
I completely don't
understand the connection between this episode and the previous one but this
episode mainly showed us more Furuya Mero (Iguchi Yuka) than
before. This episode which was devoted to Mero somehow became a fun and
relaxing episode (although it really cut my excitement of seeing what'll happen
to Chihiro). The first half being Sankarea's
best attempt to add a little more comedy to the series but miserably failed.
Mero's friends became… unexpectedly annoying. It's not the Yasuda-type
annoying. They were middle school kids annoying - because they are. ANYWAY
other than Mero's friends, the second half of the episode, on the other hand,
tried its best to make to give Mero's episode a little drama by adding their
mother to the story. Although I have to admit that seeing Mero be reminded of
her mother because of Rea's approach was quite moving, it wasn't enough to make
me feel satisfied about this episode.
Oh well. Episode8 was fairly good while episode9 cut the excitement, I'll go watch episode10 now and see what'll happen to Chihiro